• Step 1

    Apply Online
  • Step 2

    Get an online decision
  • Step 3

    Paid in next business day on approval

Welcome To WizardLenders.com

  • Are you inundated with credit card bills?
  • Ready to get that car?
  • Need to fund your academic goals or start paying back student loans?
  • Or are you finally ready to invest in your new business idea?

Let Wizard Lenders Help You Today

  • Instant Approval
  • Up to $10,000 next working day
  • Easy and Secure

If you are currently employed with an active checking account, in 3 simple steps we can help transform your stress into relief.

How It Works

Step 1 : Apply

Step 2 : Choose any amount up to $10,000 to borrow.

Step 3 : Get Paid next business day on approval, the money will be in your bank account and you can begin alleviating any financial burdens.

What People Are Saying

"It was a simple, hassle free process. I was able to start finally paying off some bills."

"Quick and professional. I was approved within 30 minutes."

"Wizard Lenders lent me the seed money I needed for my small business. I am forever grateful for their help."